The Nuiqsut Environmental Information Website (NEIW) is a collaborative effort between ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc. (CPAI), the Bureau of Land management (BLM), the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) and NSSI. This website makes available environmental reports and maps that describe development activities and environmental conditions in the vicinity of the community of Nuiqsut.
ConocoPhillips provides environmental monitoring reports to NEIW that are required on BLM-managed lands within 50 miles of Nuiqsut. These include air quality reports, Nuiqsut subsistence caribou monitoring reports and Colville River fish reports. Other research relevant to the community of Nuiqsut or that was previously conducted to support GMT2 and are within 50 miles of Nuiqsut on BLM-managed lands may also be included.
NEIW provides a web map that highlights various infrastructure and land ownership themes within the North Slope region. The web map also provides access to recent high resolution imagery and USGS topomaps.

Nuiqsut Environmental Reports
Research reports and documents that describe environmental condition in the Nuiqsut vicinity are available below. The user can search these reports and documents by selecting from among the search topics: Year, Data Vendor or Data Type. Searching by text is also possible using the Search box. To remove a search filter, click on the text that appears below the search field. The number of search results that are displayed in a page is limited by the “Show Entities” parameter which can be reset by the user. To view additional pages choose ‘Next’ at the bottom of the results table. Search results can be sorted by clicking on a column header in the table.
Note: Individual research reports for monitoring topics are grouped together and available in the North Slope Science Catalog (NSSC).
File Name | Title | Year | Vendor | Data Type |
202502xx ABR – Avian Studies on the CRD, 2024.pdf | Avian Studies on the Coville River Delta, Alaska, 2024 | 2024 | ABR Inc | Avian |
202502xx ABR – Caribou Monitoring Study for the BTU, 2024.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Bear Tooth Unit, Alaska, 2024 | 2024 | ABR Inc | Mammals - Caribou |
202502xx SLR - Nuiqsut Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program, 2024.pdf | Nuiqsut Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program, 2024 | 2024 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
20250214 ABR – 2024 Shorebird Monitoring in the Willow Project Area.pdf | 2024 Shorebird Monitoring in the Willow Project Area | 2024 | ABR | Avian |
20250212 ABR – 2024 GKA Caribou (Mammals) Report.pdf | Caribou Use of the Greater Kuparuk Area, Northern Alaska, 2024 | 2024 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Third Annual_Q42023_Q32024_Kaktovik Data Report.pdf | Kaktovik, Alaska Ambient Air Monitoring Station: Annual Data Summary Report for October 1, 2023– September 30, 2024 | 2024 | AIR SCIENCES INC. & PINYON ENVIRONMENTAL | Air |
Semiannual_VOC_Report_Oct24.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Apr-Sept 2024 | 2024 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
20241209 ABR – 2024 Alpine Eiders.pdf | Eider Nest Searches in the Alpine Oilfield Area, Alaska, 2024 | 2024 | ABR | Avian |
MBI - 2024 CRD Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment.pdf | 2024 Colville River Delta Region Spring Breakup Monitoring Hydrological Assessment | 2024 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2024-cpai-environmental-studies-one-pagers_rev-6.pdf | Summaries of CPAI Environmental Studies, 2024 | 2024 | Various | General |
Q3 2024 Data Summary Report.pdf | Q3 2024 Kaktovik Data Summary Report | 2024 | AIR SCIENCES INC. & PINYON ENVIRONMENTAL | Air |
Appendices Q3 2024.pdf | Appendices Q3 2024 Kaktovik Data Summary Report | 2024 | AIR SCIENCES INC. & PINYON ENVIRONMENTAL | Air |
202409 Owl Ridge – 2023 Tiŋmiaqsuigvik River and Willow Area Fish Sampling.pdf | 2023 Tiŋmiaqsuigvik River and Willow Area Fish Sampling | 2023 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
20240731 SRBA - 2022 Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Year 15.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Year 15 | 2024 | Stephen R. Braund and Associates | Mammals – Caribou, Subsistence |
Q4 2023 Kaktovik Report_20240404.pdf | Q4 2023 Kaktovik Report | 2023 | AIR SCIENCES INC. & PINYON ENVIRONMENTAL | Air |
Appendices Q4 2023_20240404.pdf | Appendices Q4 2023 Kaktovik Report | 2023 | AIR SCIENCES INC. & PINYON ENVIRONMENTAL | Air |
Kaktovik HAPs Data Summary Report - June 2024.pdf | Kaktovik HAPs Data Summary Report - June 2024 | 2022-2024 | AIR SCIENCES INC. & PINYON ENVIRONMENTAL | Air |
HeloGridMap_2024_NS_Wall_Map_V2.pdf | CPAI Alpine Helicopter Grid (2024 Summer Season) | 2024 | CPAI | General |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report Oct 2023 - March 2024.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report Oct 2023 - March 2024 | 2023-2024 | SLR | Air |
2023_Colville River Fall Fishery.pdf | Fall 2023 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2023 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
202402_ ERC - 2023-2024 Maternal Polar Bear Den Detection Surveys.pdf | 2023/2024 Maternal Polar Bear Den Detection Surveys North Slope, Alaska | 2024 | ERC | Mammals - Polar Bears |
2023 BTU Caribou.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Bear Tooth Unit, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska, 2023 | 2023 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
20240325 SRBA - 2024 Nuiqsut All Resources 10-Year Subsistence Mapping Study.pdf | Nuiqsut All Resources 10-Year Subsistence Mapping Study, 2024 | 2024 | Stephen R. Braund & Associates | Subsistence |
20240329 ABR - 2023 Willow Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment.pdf | Willow Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment, 2023 | 2023 | ABR | Hydrology |
202402_ ABR - 2023 Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Oilfield and Greater Mooses Tooth Unit.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Oilfield and Greater Mooses Tooth Unit, 2023 | 2023 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
202402_ ABR - 2023 Yellow-billed Loon and Goose Studies in the Willow Project Area, NPR-A.pdf | Yellow-billed Loon and Goose Studies in the Willow Project Area, NPR-A, 2023 | 2023 | ABR | Avian |
Nuiqsut Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program, 2023.pdf | Nuiqsut Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program, 2023 | 2023 | SLR | Air |
2023 Willow Shorebirds.pdf | Shorebird Monitoring in the Willow Project Area, NPR-A, 2023 | 2023 | ABR | Avian |
2023_GMT-Willow Eider Studies.pdf | Eider Studies for Greater Mooses Tooth and the Willow Project Area, NPR-A, 2023 | 2023 | ABR | Avian |
202402_ ABR - 2023 GKA Mammals.pdf | Caribou Use of the Greater Kuparuk Area, Northern Alaska, 2023 | 2023 | ABR | Caribou |
202402_ ABR - 2023 Avian Studies on the Colville River Delta.pdf | Avian Studies on the Colville River Delta, 2023 | 2023 | ABR | Avian |
202312_ ABR- 2013 ASRC Mine Site Dewatering Project Rolligon Tundra Disturbance.pdf | ASRC Mine Site Dewatering Project, Rolligon Disturbance, 2013-2023 | 2023 | ABR | Vegetation |
2022 Colville River Summer Fishery.pdf | Summer 2022 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River, Alaska | 2022 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
Final - 2023 CRD Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment.pdf | 2023 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2023 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2023 Alpine Eiders.pdf | Eider Nest Searches in the Alpine Oilfield Area, Alaska, 2023 | 2023 | ABR | Avian |
2022 Tinmiaqsiugvik River and Willow Area Fish Sampling.pdf | Tinmiaqsiugvik River and Willow Area Fish Sampling 2022 Final Report | 2022 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2022 Caribou Monitoring Study for the Bear Tooth Unit Arctic Coastal Plain.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Bear Tooth Unit Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska, 2022 | 2022 | ABR | Caribou |
Semiannual_VOC_Report_Apr23_Sep23_Final combined_R1_Optimized.pdf | Volatile Organic Compounds Near the Village of Nuiqsut, Alaska | 2023 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2023 CPAI Environmental Studies One Pagers_v1.pdf | Summaries of CPAI Environmental Studies, 2023 | 2023 | Various | General |
2022-2023_Maternal_Polar_Bear_Den_Detection_AIR_Surveys.pdf | 2022-2023 Maternal Polar Bear Den Detection AIR Surveys | 2023 | Environmental Research and Consulting | Mammals - Polar Bears |
2022 Willow Shorebirds.pdf | Shorebird Monitoring in the Willow Project Area, 2022 | 2022 | ABR | Avian |
2022_ASDP_and_GMT_Caribou.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program and Greater Moose's Tooth Unit, 2022 | 2022 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Nuiqsut Caribou Monitoring Y14 Report.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Y14 Report | 2023 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals – Caribou, Subsistence |
2022 Colville River Fall Fishery.pdf | Fall 2022 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2022 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
2022_GMT-Willow_Eiders.pdf | Eider Studies for Greater Mooses Tooth and Proposed Willow Projects, NPR-A, 2022 | 2022 | ABR | Avian |
Semiannual_VOC_Report_Oct22Mar23.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Oct 2022-March 2023 | 2023 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2022_Willow_Avian.pdf | Yellow-Billed Loon and Goose Studies in the Willow Project Area, 2022 | 2022 | ABR | Avian |
Avian Studies for the Alpine Oilfield, 2022 | Avian Studies for the Alpine Oilfield, 2022 | 2022 | ABR | Avian |
CARIBOU USE OF THE GREATER KUPARUK AREA, NORTHERN ALASKA, 2022 | Caribou Use of the Greater Kuparuk Area, Northern Alaska, 2022 | 2022 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2022-cpai-environmental-studies-one-pagers_v2.pdf | Summaries of CPAI Environmental Studies, 2022 | 2022 | Various | General |
Nuiqsut Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program, 2022.pdf | Nuiqsut Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program, 2022 | 2022 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Nuiqsut Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program, 2021.pdf | Nuiqsut Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program, 2021 | 2021 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Annual Trends Analysis 2022.pdf | Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Station Annual Trends Analysis Report, 2022 | 2022 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Report Oct 21-March 22.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Oct 2021-March 2022 | 2022 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2022 Survey of Lakes in CPAI Activity Areas.pdf | Survey of Lakes in CPAI Activity Areas, 2022 | 2022 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2021 Tinmiaqsiugvik River and Willow Area Fish Sampling.pdf | Tiŋmiaqsiugvik River and Willow Area Fish Sampling, 2021 | 2021 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2020 Tinmiaqsiugvik Ublutuoch River Fish Surveys.pdf | Tiŋmiaqsiugvik/Ublutuoch River Fish Surveys, 2020 | 2020 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2020 Fish Surveys in the Willow Project Area.pdf | Fish Surveys in the Northeastern NPR-A, 2020 | 2020 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2021 Willow Avian Studies.pdf | Yellow-billed Loon and Goose Studies in the Willow Project Area, 2021 | 2021 | ABR | Avian |
2022 Alpine Eider Nest Search Report.pdf | Alpine Eider Nest Searches, 2022 | 2022 | ABR | Avian |
2022 ASDP Water Quality Monitoring.pdf | ASDP Water Quality Monitoring, 2022 | 2022 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2022 CRD Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment.pdf | CRD Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment, 2022 | 2022 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report April-Sept 2022.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Near Nuiqsut Report April-September, 2022 | 2022 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2022 Willow Spring Breakup Report.pdf | Willow Spring Breakup and Hydrology Assessment, 2022 | 2022 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Y13 Report, 2022 | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Y13 Report | 2022 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Report 03/01-05/22/2022 | Alpine Response Nuiqsut Air Quality Reports 03/01 - 05/22/2022 | 2022 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Alpine Response Nuiqsut VOC Reports (TO-15 and TO-12) 03/04 - 05/16/2022 | Alpine Response Nuiqsut VOC Reports (TO-15 and TO-12) 03/04 - 05/16/2022 | 2022 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Individual Alpine Response Nuiqsut VOC Reports (TO-15 and TO-12) 03/04 - 05/16/2022 | Individual Alpine Response Nuiqsut VOC Reports (TO-15 and TO-12) 03/04 - 05/16/2022 | 2022 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
ConocoPhillips Alaska 2021/2022 Polar Bear Den Detection Surveys, North Slope , Alaska | Polar Bear Den Detection Survey for North Slope, 2021-2022 | 2022 | Environmental Research and Consulting | Mammals - Polar Bears |
MultiOperator_WinterActivities_2022.pdf | Winter Activities Map, 2021-2022 | 2022 | CPAI | General |
2021 Colville River Summer Fishery.pdf | Summer Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Nigliq Channel of the Colville River, 2021 | 2021 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
2021 Colville River Fall Fishery_Final.pdf | Fall 2021 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2021 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
2021 ASDP Water Quality Monitoring.pdf | Alpine Satellite Development Project Water Quality Monitoring | 2021 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Station Annual Trends Analysis Report, Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2021 | Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Annual Trends Analysis 2021 | 2021 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2021 Willow Shorebirds | Shorebird Monitoring in the Willow Project Area, 2021 | 2021 | ABR | Avian |
2021 GMT King Eiders | King Eider Studies for the Greater Mooses Tooth Project, NPRA, 2021 | 2021 | ABR | Avian |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Dec 2020-Mar 2021.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Dec 2020-Mar 2021 | 2021 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Apr-Sept 2021.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Apr-Sept 2021 | 2021 | SLR International Corp. | Air | | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program and Greater Moose's Tooth Unit, 2021 | 2021 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou | | Caribou Monitoring Study for Bear Tooth Unit, 2021 | 2021 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2021-lake-surveys-in-cpai-activity-areas.pdf | Lake Surveys in CPAI Activity Areas, 2021 | 2021 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2021-asdp-avian-studies.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2021 | 2021 | ABR | Avian |
2021-gka-caribou.pdf | Caribou Use of the Greater Kuparuk Area, 2021 | 2021 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2021-willow-spring-breakup-report.pdf | Willow Spring Breakup Report, 2021 | 2021 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2021-Alpine-Eider-Nest-Searches.pdf | Alpine Eider Nest Searches, 2021 | 2021 | ABR | Avian |
2021-CRD-Spring-Breakup-Monitoring-and-Hydrological-Assessment.pdf | Colville River Delta (CRD) Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment, 2021 | 2021 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2021-CPAI-Env-Studies-One-pagers_Final.pdf | Summaries of Environmental Field Studies, 2021 | 2021 | Various | General |
Nuiqsut-Caribou-Subsistence-Monitoring-Y12-Report.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Y12 Report | 2021 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
2021-GMT2-MT7-Spring-Breakup-Culvert-Monitoring-Report.pdf | Culvert Monitoring Report – GMT2/MT7 Spring Breakup, 2021 | 2021 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2020-2021-Aerial-Infrared-Survey-of-Maternal-Polar-Bear-Denning-Habitat.pdf | Aerial Infrared Survey of Maternal Polar Bear Denning Habitat, 2020-2021 | 2021 | Environmental Research and Consulting | Mammals - Polar Bears |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Sept 2019-Mar 2020.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Sept 2019-Mar 2020 | 2020 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Memo- Apr-Aug 2020.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Memorandum, Apr-Aug 2020 | 2020 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2020-Willow-Avian-Studies.pdf | Avian Studies in the Willow Project Area, 2020 | 2020 | ABR | Avian |
2020-BTU-Caribou2.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Bear Tooth Unit Program, 2020 | 2020 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2020-GKA-Caribou.pdf | Caribou Use of the Greater Kuparuk Area Northern Alaska, 2020 | 2020 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2020-Nuiqsut-Ambient-Air-and-Meteorological-Monitoring-Program.pdf | Nuiqsut Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program, 2020 | 2020 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2020-Colville-River-Fall-Fishery.pdf | Fall 2020 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2020 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
BLM_NUI-Annual-Trends-Analysis-Report_2020.pdf | Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Station Annual Trends Analysis Report, Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2020 | 2020 | CPAI | Air |
2020-Willow-Baseline-Water-Quality-Monitoring.pdf | Willow Baseline Water Quality Monitoring, 2020 | 2020 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2020-Alpine-Eider-Nest-Searches.pdf | Eider Nest Searches in the Alpine Oilfield Area, 2020 | 2020 | ABR | Avian |
2020-ASDP-and-GMT-Caribou-Monitoring-Study.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program and Greater Moose’s Tooth Unit, 2020 | 2020 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2020-ASDP-Avian-Studies.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2020 | 2020 | ABR | Avian |
2020-GMT-King-Eiders.pdf | King Eider Studies for the Greater Mooses Tooth Project, 2020 | 2020 | ABR | Avian |
2020-GMT2-MT7-Culvert-Monitoring-Report.pdf | Culvert Monitoring Report - GMT2/MT7 Spring Breakup, 2020 | 2020 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2020-Willow-Spring-Breakup-Report.pdf | Willow Spring Breakup Report, 2020 | 2020 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2020-CPAI-Env-Studies-One-pagers_Final.pdf | CPAI Environmental Studies One Pagers, 2020 | 2020 | Various | General |
Nuiqsut-Caribou-Subsistence-Monitoring-Project_Y11.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project Y11 | 2020 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
2020-ASDP-Water-Quality-Monitoring.pdf | ASDP Water Quality Monitoring, 2020 | 2020 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2020-CRD-Spring-Breakup-Monitoring-and-Hydrological-Assessment_1.pdf | CRD Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment, 2020 | 2020 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2019-2020-Aerial-Infrared-Survey-of-Maternal-Polar-Bear-Denning-Habitat.pdf | Infrared Survey of Maternal Polar Bear Denning Habitat, 2019-2020 | 2020 | Environmental Research and Consulting | Mammals - Polar Bears |
Helicopter_Coordination_Grid_2020_11x17_Compressed.pdf | Alpine Helicopter Coordination Map - 2020 | 2020 | CPAI | General |
Winter_Activities_2019_2020_CPAI_Planned.pdf | Winter Activities 2019-2020 | 2020 | CPAI | General |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Sept 2018-Mar 2019.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Sept 2018-Mar 2019 | 2019 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Apr-Aug 2019.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Apr-Aug 2019 | 2019 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2019-lake-surveys-in-cpai-activity-areas.pdf | Lake Surveys in CPAI Activity Areas, 2019 | 2019 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2019-Nuiqsut-Air-Quality-Monitoring-Station-Annual-Trends-Analysis-Report.pdf | Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Annual Trends Analysis, 2019 | 2019 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2019-Colville-River-Fall-Fishery-Subsistence-Monitoring.pdf | Fall 2019 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2019 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
2019-Fish-Surveys-in-the-Northeastern-NPRA.pdf | Fish Surveys in Northeastern NPRA, 2019 | 2019 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2019_Economic_Study_of_Subsistence_Impacts_GMT1.pdf | Economic Study of Subsistence Impacts | 2019 | Northern Economics | Socioeconomic Effects |
Nuiqsut_Caribou_Subsistence_Monitoring_Report_Y10.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Years 1 through 10 (2008-2017) Final Report | 2019 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
Arctic_72-2-131.pdf | A Review of Aircraft-Subsistence Harvester Conflict in Arctic Alaska | 2019 | UAF | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
Caribou-Surveys-in-the-Colville-South-Survey-Area-Northern-Alaska-2019.pdf | Caribou Surveys in the Colville South Survey Area, 2019 | 2019 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Caribou-Use-of-the-Greater-Kuparuk-Area-2018_2019.pdf | Caribou Use of the Greater Kuparuk Area, 2018-2019 | 2019 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2019-ASDP-and-GMTU-Caribou.pdf | Caribou Monitoring for the Alpine Satellite Development Program and Greater Moose's Tooth Unit, 2019 | 2019 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2019-BTU-Caribou.pdf | Caribou Monitoring for the Bear Tooth Unit, 2019 | 2019 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2019-CD5-Habitat-Monitoring.pdf | CD5 Habitat Monitoring and Assessment - 2019 | 2019 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
2019-Willow-Spring-Breakup-and-Hydrological-Assessment.pdf | Willow Spring Breakup and Hydrological Assessment - 2019 | 2019 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2019-GMT1-MT6-Spring-Breakup-Summer-Monitoring-Hydrological-Final | 2019 GMT1 MT6 Spring Breakup Summer Monitoring Hydrological | 2019 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2019-CRD-Spring-Breakup-Monitoring-and-Hydrological-Assessment-Final | 2019 CRD Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2019 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2019-Alpine-Satellite-Development-Plan-(ASDP)-Water-Quality-Monitoring | 2019 Alpine Satellite Development Plan (ASDP) Water Quality Monitoring | 2019 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2019_FINAL_GMT2_Spring_Breakup_Culvert_Monitoring_Report.pdf | GMT2 2019 Culvert Monitoring Report | 2019 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2019_FINAL_GMT1_Spring_Breakup_Culvert_Monitoring_Report.pdf | GMT1 2019 Culvert Monitoring Report | 2019 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
CPAI Alpine Helicopter Grid (2019 summer Season) | CPAI Alpine Helicopter Grid (2019 summer Season) | 2019 | CPAI | General |
2018_Willow_Area_Fish_Surveys_NE_NPRA.pdf | 2018 Willow Area Fish Surveys in the Northeastern NPR-A | 2019 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
Avian-Studies-for-the-Alpine-Satellite-Development-Project-2019.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2019 | 2019 | ABR | Avian |
Greater-White-Fronted-Goose-at-CD5-2013_2019-Synthesis-Report.pdf | Greater White-Fronted Goose at CD5, 2013-2019 Synthesis Report | 2019 | ABR | Avian |
2019-Kuparuk-Eider-Surveys.pdf | Kuparuk Eider Surveys - 2019 | 2019 | ABR | Avian |
2019-Final-Avian-Studies-in-the-Willow-Project-Area.pdf | Final Avian Studies in the Willow Project Area - 2019 | 2019 | ABR | Avian |
2019_Eider_Nest_Searches_Alpine_Oilfield.pdf | 2019 Eider Nest Searches Alpine Oilfield | 2019 | ABR | Avian |
Nuiqsut-Ambient-Air-and-Meteorological-Monitoring-Program.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air and Meteorological Monitoring Program - 2019 | 2019 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2018-2019_Polar_Bear_Den_Detection_Survey.pdf | 2018-2019 Aerial Infrared Survey of Maternal Polar Bear Denning Habitat | 2019 | Fairweather Science | Mammals - Polar Bears |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Sept 2017-Mar 2018.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Sept 2017-Mar 2018 | 2018 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Apr-Aug 2018.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Apr-Aug 2018 | 2018 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2018_Willow_Marine_Monitoring_Program_Report.pdf | 2018 Willow Marine Monitoring Program Report | 2018 | Kinnetic Laboratories, Inc. | Marine |
2017_2018_FLIR_Polar_Bear_Den_Detection_Survey_Final_Report.pdf | FLIR Survey for Maternal Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Denning Habitat, Winter 2017-2018 | 2018 | Fairweather Science | Mammals - Polar Bears |
2018_Nuiqsut_Caribou_Monitoring_Y9_Report.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of Year 9 Hunter Interviews and Household Harvest Surveys | 2018 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
2018_Caribou_Monitoring_Colville_South_Survey_Area.pdf | Caribou Monitoring in the Colville South Survey Area, Northern Alaska, 2018 | 2018 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2018-Caribou-Monitoring-Study-for-ASDP-and-GMT1.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program and Greater Moose's Tooth Unit, 2018 | 2018 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2018_Caribou_Monitoring_Study_Beartooth_Unit.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Bear Tooth Unit Program, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska, 2018 | 2018 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2017 2018_Ecological_Land_Survey_and_ITU_Mapping_for_the_Willow_Master_Development_Plan_Area_NPRA | 2018 Ecological Land_Survey and ITU Mapping for the Willow Master Development Plan Area NPRA | 2018 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
2018_Survey_of_Lakes_in_CPAI_Activity_Areas.pdf | Survey of Lakes in ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc. Activity Areas - 2018 | 2018 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2018_CRD_Spring_Breakup_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment_Field_Report.pdf | 2018 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2018 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2018_Alpine_Pipeline_Hydrology_Monitoring_Report.pdf | 2018 Alpine Pipeline Hydrology Monitoring | 2018 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2018_GMT1_Spring_Breakup_Culvert_Monitoring_Report.pdf | 2018 GMT1 Spring Breakup Culvert Monitoring Report | 2018 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2017_2018_Alpine_Ice_Road_Support_Water_Quality_Sampling_Summary_Report.pdf | 2017-2018 Alpine Ice Road Support Water Quality Sampling Summary Report | 2018 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2018_ASDP_Water_Quality_Monitoring_Report.pdf | 2018 Alpine Satellite Development Plan Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2018 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2018_GMT1_Spring_Breakup_and_Summer_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment.pdf | 2018 GMT1 Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring Hydrological Assessment | 2018 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2018_CRD_Spring_Breakup_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment.pdf | 2018 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2018 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2018_Willow_Spring_Breakup_and_Summer_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment_Report.pdf | 2018 Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2018 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2017 2018_Alpine_Lakes_Drinking_Water_Quality_Monitoring_Project_Trip_Report.pdf | 2017-2018 Alpine Lakes Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Trip Report | 2018 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2018_Fall_Subsistence_Fishery_Monitoring_on_the_Colville_River.pdf | Fall 2018 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2018 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
Harrison-Bay-Nearshore-Fish-Survey-2018-Final-RPT.pdf | Harrison Bay Nearshore Fish Survey 2018 | 2018 | ABR | Fish |
2018_Eider_Nest_Searches_in_Alpine_Area.pdf | Eider Nest Searches in the Alpine Area, 2018 | 2018 | ABR | Avian |
2018 ASDP Avian Studies.pdf | 2018 Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project | 2018 | ABR | Avian |
2018_Willow_Avian_Studies.pdf | Avian Studies in the Willow Project Area, 2018 | 2018 | ABR | Avian |
2018 Nuiqsut Ambient Air Annual Data Report.pdf | 2018 Annual Data Report Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Program | 2018 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Sept 2016-Mar 2017.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Sept 2016-Mar 2017 | 2017 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Apr-Aug 2017.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Apr-Aug 2017 | 2017 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2016_2017_CPAI_Polar_Bear_Den_Detection_FLIR_Survey.pdf | FLIR Survey for Maternal Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Denning Habitat, Winter 2016-2017 | 2017 | Fairweather Science | Mammals - Polar Bears |
2017_Nuiqsut_Caribou_Monitoring_Y8_Report_Abridged_Aug.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of Year 8 Hunter Interviews and Household Harvest Surveys | 2017 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
2017_Nuiqsut_Caribou_Monitoring_Y8_Supplemental_Data_Deliverable.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Year 8 Supplemental Data Deliverable | 2017 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
2017_Caribou_Monitoring_Study_for_the_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Program.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2017 | 2017 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2017_An_Ecological_Land_Survey_and_Integrated_Terrain_Unit_Mapping_for_the_Willow_Master_Development_Plan_Area_NPRA.pdf | 2017 An Ecological Land Survey and Integrated Terrain Unit Mapping for the Willow Master Development Plan Area NPRA | 2017 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
2017_CRD_Spring_Breakup_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment.pdf | 2017 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2017 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2017_Alpine_Pipeline_Hydrology_Monitoring.pdf | 2017 Alpine Pipeline Hydrology Monitoring | 2017 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2017_GMT1_Spring_Breakup_Culvert_Monitoring_Report.pdf | 2017 GMT1 Spring Breakup Culvert Monitoring Report | 2017 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2017_GMT1_Spring_Breakup_and_Summer_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment.pdf | 2017 GMT1 Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2017 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2016_2017_Alpine_Ice_Road_Support_Summary_Report.pdf | 2016-2017 Alpine Ice Road Support Water Quality Sampling Summary Report | 2017 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2017_ASDP_Water_Quality_Monitoring_Report.pdf | 2017 Alpine Satellite Development Plan Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2017 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2016 2017_Alpine_Lakes_Drinking_Water_Quality_Monitoring_Trip_Report.pdf | 2016-2017 Alpine Lakes Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Trip Report | 2017 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2017_Willow_Spring_Breakup_and_Summer_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment.pdf | 2017 Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2017 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Fall_2017_Subsistence_Fishery_Monitoring_on_the_Colville_River.pdf | Fall 2017 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2017 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
2017_Survey_of_Lakes_in_ConocoPhillips_Alaska_Activity_Areas_Final_Report.pdf | Survey of Lakes in ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc. Activity Areas - 2017 | 2017 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2017_Fish_Populations_in_Waterbodies_of_the_Willow_Project_Survey_Report.pdf | Fish Populations in Waterbodies of the Willow Project Area: 2017 | 2017 | Owl Ridge | Fish |
2017_Avian_Studies_for_the_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Project_ASDP_2017_Fifteenth_Annual_Report.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2017 | 2017 | ABR | Avian |
2017_Avian_Studies_in_the_Willow_Project_Area.pdf | Avian Studies in the Willow Project Area, 2017 | 2017 | ABR | Avian |
2017_Eider_Nest_Searches_in_the_Alpine_Area.pdf | Eider Nest Searches in the Alpine Area, 2017 | 2017 | ABR | Avian |
2017_Eider_Nest_Searches_in_the_GMT 1_Area.pdf | Eider Nest Searches in the GMT-1 Area, 2017 | 2017 | ABR | Avian |
2017_Greater_White Fronted_Goose_Study_at_CD5.pdf | 2017 Greater White-Fronted Goose Study at CD5, 2017 | 2017 | ABR | Avian |
2017 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report.pdf | 2017 Annual Data Report Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Program | 2017 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Sept 2015-Mar 2016.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Sept 2015-Mar 2016 | 2016 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Apr-Aug 2016.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Apr-Aug 2016 | 2016 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2014_2015_Subsistence_Foods_Study_Monitoring_Report.pdf | 2014-2015 Subsistence Foods Study Monitoring Report | 2016 | ERM | Subsistence Foods |
2016_The_Next_Horizon_socio cultural_study_of_oil_development_and_Nuiqsut.pdf | 2016 The Next Horizon socio-cultural study of oil development and Nuiqsut | 2016 | ConocoPhillips, Channel 6 Television Denmark | Socioeconomic Effects |
2015_2016_FLIR_Survey_of_Maternal_Polar_Denning_Habitat Winter.pdf | FLIR Survey for Maternal Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Denning Habitat, Winter 2015-2016 | 2016 | Fairweather Science | Mammals - Polar Bears |
2015 2016_Caribou_Monitoring_Study_for_the_Alpine_Satellite _Development_Program_Annual_Report.pdf | 2015-2016 Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program | 2016 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2016_CD5_Habitat_Monitoring_and_Assessment.pdf | 2016 CD5 Habitat Monitoring and Assessment | 2016 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
2016_Colville_River_Delta_Spring_Breakup_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment.pdf | 2016 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2016 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Colville_River_Delta_2016_Spring_Breakup_Field_Report.pdf | Colville River Delta 2016 Spring Breakup Field Report | 2016 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2016_Alpine Pipeline_Hydrology_Monitoring.pdf | 2016 Alpine Pipeline Hydrology Monitoring | 2016 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2016_ASDP_Water_Quality_Monitoring.pdf | 2016 Alpine Satellite Development Plan Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2016 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2016_Colville_River_Fishery_Data_Report.pdf | FALL 2016 SUBSISTENCE FISHERY MONITORING ON THE COLVILLE RIVER | 2016 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
Avian_Studies_for_the_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Project_ASDP_2016_Fourteenth_Annual_Report.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2016 | 2016 | ABR | Avian |
Eider_Nest_Searches_in_the_Alpine_Area_2016.pdf | Eider Nest Searches in the Alpine Area 2016 | 2016 | ABR | Avian |
GMT 1_Spectacled_Eider_Nest_Search_2016_Letter_Report.pdf | GMT-1 Spectacled Eider Nest Search 2016 Letter Report | 2016 | ABR | Avian |
2016 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report.pdf | 2016 Annual Data Report Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Program | 2016 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Apr-Aug 2015.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Apr-Aug 2015 | 2015 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report- Apr 2014-Mar 2015.pdf | Semiannual VOC Monitoring Report, Apr 2014-Mar 2015 | 2015 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2014_2015_Winter_Polar_Bear_Den_Detection_FLIR_Survey.pdf | FLIR Survey for Maternal Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Denning Habitat, Winter 2014-2015 | 2015 | Fairweather Science | Mammals - Polar Bears |
Nuiqsut_Caribou_Subsistence_Monitoring_Project_Results_of_Year_7_Hunter_Interviews_and_Household_Harvest_Surveys.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of Year 7 Hunter Interviews and Household Harvest Surveys | 2015 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
Data_Report_for_Alpine_Pipeline_Caribou_Surveys_2015.pdf | Data Report for the Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2015 | 2015 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2015_Habitat_Monitoring_and_Assessment_ Permafrost_Component_CD5_Development_Project.pdf | 2015 Habitat Monitoring and Assessment-Permafrost Component CD5 Development Project | 2015 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
Colville_River_Delta_2015_Spring_Breakup_Field_Report.pdf | Colville River Delta 2015 Spring Breakup Field Report | 2015 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Colville_River_Delta_Spring_Breakup_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment _2015.pdf | 2015 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2015 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2015_Alpine_Pipeline_Hydrology_Monitoring.pdf | 2015 Alpine Pipeline Hydrology Monitoring | 2015 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
FINAL_2015_Alpine_Area_Lakes_Recharge_Studies.pdf | 2015 Alpine Area Lakes Recharge Studies | 2015 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2015_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Plan_(ASDP)_Water_Quality_Monitoring.pdf | 2015 Alpine Satellite Development Plan (ASDP) Water Quality Monitoring | 2015 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2015_2016_Alpine_Lakes_Drinking_Water_Quality_Monitoring_Trip_Report.pdf | 2015-2016 Alpine Lakes Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Trip Report | 2015 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Fall_2015_Subsistence_Fishery_Monitoring_on_the_Colville_River.pdf | Fall 2015 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2015 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
Avian_Studies_for_the_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Project_ASDP_2015_Thirteenth_Annual_Report.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2015 | 2015 | ABR | Avian |
Eider_Nest_Searches_at_CD 3_and_Spill Response_Sites_in_the_Alpine_Oilfield_2015.pdf | Eider Nest Searches at CD3 and Spill-Response Sites in the Alpine Oilfield, 2015 | 2015 | ABR | Avian |
Summary_of_Spectacled_Eider_Observations_Along_the_Alpine_Pipelines_1993 2014.pdf | Summary of Spectacled Eider Observations Along the Alpine Pipelines, 1993-2014 | 2015 | ABR | Avian |
Nest_Search_at_CD 4_Gravel_Deposition_Site_2015.pdf | Nest Search at CD-4 Gravel Deposition Site, 2015 | 2015 | ABR | Avian |
Nest_Search_at_the_Alpine_Shooting_Range_2015.pdf | Nest Search at the Alpine Shooting Range, 2015 | 2015 | ABR | Avian |
Nesting_Greater_White Fronted_Goose_GWFG_Study_At_CD 5_2015_Report.pdf | Nesting Greater White-Fronted Goose Study at CD-5, 2015 | 2015 | ABR | Avian |
2015 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report.pdf | 2015 Annual Data Report Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Program | 2015 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2013_2014_CPAI_FLIR_Survey_of_Maternal_Polar_Bear_Denning_Habitat_Final.pdf | FLIR Survey for Maternal Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Denning Habitat, Winter 2013-2014 | 2014 | Weston Solutions | Mammals - Polar Bears |
Nuiqsut_Caribou_Subsistence_Monitoring_Project_Results_of_Year_6_Hunter_Interviews_and_Household_Harvest_Surveys.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of Year 6 Hunter Interviews and Household Harvest Surveys | 2014 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
Caribou_Monitoring_Study_for_the_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Program_2014.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2014 | 2014 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Data_Report_for_Alpine_Pipelines_Caribou_Surveys_2014.pdf | Data Report for the Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2014 | 2014 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2014_CD5_AMS_Habitat_Monitoring_and_Assessment_Permafrost_Component_Final_Report.pdf | 2014 CD5 AMS Habitat Monitoring and Assessment Permafrost Component Final Report | 2014 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
Colville_River_Delta_Spring_Breakup_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assessment _2014.pdf | 2014 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2014 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Colville_River_Delta_2014_Spring_Breakup_Field_Report.pdf | Colville River Delta 2014 Spring Breakup Field Report | 2014 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2014_Alpine_Pipelines_River_Crossing_Monitoring_Report.pdf | 2014 Alpine Pipelines River Crossing Monitoring Report | 2014 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Final_2014_Alpine_Area_Lakes_Recharge_Studies.pdf | 2014 Alpine Area Lakes Recharge Studies | 2014 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Final_2014_CD5_Lakes_Recharge_Studies.pdf | 2014 CD5 Lakes Recharge Studies | 2014 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Final_2014_Exploration_Lakes_Recharge_Studies.pdf | 2014 Exploration Lakes Recharge Studies | 2014 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Alpine_Lakes_Drinking_Water_Quality_Monitoring_Dec_2014.pdf | 2014/2015 Alpine Lakes Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Trip Report | 2014 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Alpine_Satellite_Development_Plan_Water_Quality_Monitoring_2014.pdf | 2014 Alpine Satellite Development Plan Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2014 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2014_Fish_Creek_Basin_Spring_Breakup_Monitoring_and_Hydrological_Assesment.pdf | 2014 Fish Creek Basin Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2014 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Fall_2014_Subsistence_Fishery_Monitoring_on_the_Colville_River.pdf | Fall 2014 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2014 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
Avian_Studies_for_the_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Project_2014.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2014 | 2014 | ABR | Avian |
Eider_Nest_Searches_at_CD3_and_the_CD3_and_CD5_Ice_Roads_in_the_Alpine_Oilfield_2014.pdf | Eider Nest Searches at CD3 and the CD3 and CD5 Ice Roads in the Alpine Oilfield, 2014 | 2014 | ABR | Avian |
2014 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report.pdf | 2014 Annual Data Report Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Program | 2014 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2012_2013_FLIR_Survey_of_Maternal_Polar_Bear_Denning_Habitat_FINAL.pdf | FLIR Survey for Maternal Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Denning Habitat, Winter 2012-2013 | 2013 | Weston Solutions | Mammals - Polar Bears |
Nuiqsut_Caribou_Subsistence_Monitoring_Project_Results_of_Year_5_Hunter_Interviews_and_Household_Harvest_Surveys _July_2014.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of Year Five Hunter Interviews and Household Harvest Surveys | 2013 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
Caribou_Monitoring_Study_For_The_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Program_2013.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2013 | 2013 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Data_Report_for_Alpine_Pipeline_Caribou_Surveys_2013.pdf | Data Report for the Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2013 | 2013 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2013_Habitat_Monitoring_and_Assessment_CD5_Development_Project.pdf | 2013 Habitat Monitoring and Assessment CD5 Development Project | 2013 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
Ice Bridge Monitoring Summary Report 2012_2013.pdf | 2012/2013 Colville River Ice Bridge Monitoring | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2013_Colville_River_Delta_Spring_Breakup_Monitoring_and_Hydrologic_Assessment_Final.pdf | 2013 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrologic Assessment | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Colville_River_Delta_Spring_Breakup_2013_Field_Report.pdf | Colville River Delta 2013 Spring Breakup Field Report | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2013_Alpine_Pipeline_River_Crossing_Monitoring.pdf | 2013 Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Monitoring | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
CD5_Bank_Erosion_Channel_Bathymetry_and_Bridge_Bathymetry_Monitoring_Project_Note_2 21 2014.pdf | CD5 Bank Erosion Channel Bathymetry and Bridge Bathymetry Monitoring Project Note 2-21-2014 | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Final_2013_Alpine_Area_Lakes_Recharge_Studies.pdf | 2013 Alpine Area Lakes Recharge Studies | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Final_2013_Cassin_Lakes_Recharge_Study.pdf | 2013 Cassin Lakes Recharge Study | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Lake_M0024_Water_Quality_Project_Note_Final_2013.pdf | Lake M0024 Water Quality Results Project Note | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Lakes MB0401_Z06005_Water_Quality_Project_Note.pdf | Lakes MB0401 and Z06005 Water Quality Results Project Note | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2013_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Plan_2013_Water_Quality_Monitoring_Report.pdf | 2013 Alpine Satellite Development Plan 2013 Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2013_Fish_Creek_Basin_Spring_Breakup_Monitoring_and_Hydrologic_Assessment.pdf | 2013 Fish Creek Basin Spring Break Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2013 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Fall_2013_Subsistence_Fishery_Monitoring_On_The_Colville_River.pdf | Fall 2013 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2013 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
Survey_of_Lakes_in_Activity_Areas_Final_Report_2013.pdf | Survey of Lakes in CPAI Activity Areas - 2013 | 2013 | MJM Research | Fish |
20140507_GMTU_GMT 1_Fish_Populations_in_Streams_Crossed_by_Proposed_Road_GMT 1_Well_Pad_Eastern_NPR A_2013.pdf | Fish Populations in Streams to be Crossed by Proposed Road to the GMT-1 Well Pad in Eastern NPR-A: 2013 | 2013 | MJM Research | Fish |
Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project 2013 Eleventh Annual Report.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2013 | 2013 | ABR | Avian |
Summary of Bird Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project 2013.pdf | Summary of Bird Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2013 | 2013 | ABR | Avian |
Eider Nest Searches at the CD3 Pad, Ice Road and Spill Response Sites on the Colville River Delta 2013.pdf | Eider Nest Searches at the CD3 Pad, Ice Road and Spill-Response Sites on the Colville River Delta, 2013 | 2013 | ABR | Avian |
2013 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report.pdf | 2013 Annual Data Report Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Program | 2013 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2011_12 CPAI Polar Bear FLIR Survey FINAL.pdf | FLIR Survey for Maternal Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Denning Habitat, Winter 2011-2012 | 2012 | Weston Solutions | Mammals - Polar Bears |
Nuiqsut Year 4 Caribou Monitoring Report_July19.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of Year Four Hunter Interviews and Household Harvest Surveys | 2012 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
2012 Alpine Pipelines Caribou_Final report_13 Dec 2012.pdf | Data Report for Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2012 | 2012 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program 2012.pdf | Caribou-Monitoring-Study-for-the-Alpine-Satellite-Development-Program-2012 | 2012 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2012 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring Hydrological and Assessment.pdf | 2012 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2012 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2012 Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Monitoring Final.pdf | 2012 Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Monitoring | 2012 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Final 2012 Alpine Area Lakes Recharge Studies(127660 MBJ RPT 001).pdf | 2012 Alpine Area Lakes Recharge Studies | 2012 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2012 Alpine Satellite Development Plan Water Quality Final.pdf | Alpine Satellite Development Plan 2012 Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2012 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Fall 2012 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River.pdf | Fall 2012 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2012 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
Survey of Lakes in the Cassin Exploration Area Final Report 2012.pdf | Survey of Lakes in the Cassin Exploration Area - 2012 | 2012 | MJM Research | Fish |
Avian_Studies_for_the_Alpine_Satellite_Development_Project_2012.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2012 | 2012 | ABR | Avian |
2012_CD 3 Eiders.pdf | Eider Nest Searches at the CD-3 Pad, Ice Road, and Spill-Response Sites on the Colville River Delta, 2012 | 2012 | ABR | Avian |
2012 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report.pdf | 2012 Annual Data Report Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Program | 2012 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2010 2011_FLIR_Survey_for_Maternal_Polar_Bear_Ursus_Maritimus_Denning_Habitat_Survey_Winter.pdf | FLIR Survey for Maternal Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Denning Habitat, Winter 2010-2011 | 2011 | Weston Solutions | Mammals - Polar Bears |
Nuiqsut Year 3 Caribou Monitoring Report_June12.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of Year Three Hunter Interviews and Household Harvest Surveys | 2011 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
2011 Alpine Pipelines Caribou_ABR letter report.pdf | Data Report for Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2011 | 2011 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2011.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2011 | 2011 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2011 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment.pdf | 2011 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment | 2011 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2011_Alpine_Ice_Roads_Recharge_Studies_(123593 001).pdf | 2011 Alpine Ice Road Recharge Studies | 2011 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Alpine Pipeline River Crossings 2011 Monitoring Report.pdf | Alpine Pipeline River Crossings 2011 Monitoring Report | 2011 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2011 ASDP Water Quality.pdf | Alpine Satellite Development Plan 2011 Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2011 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2011_FCB_Spring_Breakup_Hydrology (124033 001)_Final.pdf | 2011 Fish Creek Basin Spring Breakup Hydrological Assessment | 2011 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Fall 2011 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River.pdf | Fall 2011 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2011 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
2011 ASDP Avian.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2011 | 2011 | ABR | Avian |
2011_CD 3_Avian.pdf | Eider Nest Searches at the CD-3 Pad, Ice Road, and Spill-Response Sites on the Colville River Delta, 2011 | 2011 | ABR | Avian |
2011 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report.pdf | 2011 Annual Data Report Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Program | 2011 | SLR International Corp. | Air |
2009 2010 Polar Bear FLIR Survey Final.pdf | FLIR Survey for Maternal Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Denning Habitat, Winter 2009-2010 | 2010 | Weston Solutions | Mammals - Polar Bears |
Nuiqsut Year 2 Caribou Monitoring Report_Jun11.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of Year Two Hunter Interviews | 2010 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
ASDP Caribou_Final_May2010.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2010 | 2010 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Data Report for the Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2010.pdf | Data Report for the Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2010 | 2010 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2009 2010_Colville_Ice_Bridge_Monitoring_Summary_Rpt.pdf | 2009-2010 Colville Ice Bridge Monitoring Summary Report | 2010 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2010_Colville River_Delta_Spring_Breakup_119863_001.pdf | 2010 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment | 2010 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
FINAL_2010_Alpine_Pipeline_River_Crossings_Monitoring_Report.pdf | Alpine Pipeline River Crossings 2010 Monitoring Report | 2010 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
FINAL_2010 ASDP Water Quality (120258 MBJ RPT 001).pdf | Alpine Satellite Development Plan Water Quality Monitoring, 2010 | 2010 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2010_FCB_Spring_Breakup_Hydrology 120172 001.pdf | Fish Creek Basin (FCB) 2010 Spring Breakup Hydrologic Assessment | 2010 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2010_Colville River_Fisheries.pdf | Fall 2010 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2010 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
2010_ASDP_Avian.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2010 | 2010 | ABR | Avian |
CD 3 Nest Searches_FINAL_April_2010.pdf | Eider Nest Searches at the CD-3 Pad, Ice Road, and Spill-Response Sites of the Colville River Delta, 2010 | 2010 | ABR | Avian |
2010 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program 2010 Monitoring Year Data Summary | 2010 | AECOM | Air |
Nuiqsut_2009_Caribou_Monitoring_Report_Feb10.pdf | Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of 2009 Hunter Interviews | 2009 | Stephen R Braund and Associates | Mammals - Caribou, Subsistence |
2009 Alpine Pipelines Caribou Surveys Final Report.pdf | Data Report for Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2009 | 2009 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
ASDP Caribou_5th Annual Report.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2009 | 2009 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2009_CD5 Modeling Report_Final.pdf | 2009 Colville River Delta Two-Dimensional Surface Water Model Update CD5 Alpine Satellite Development Project | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2008 2009 Colville Ice BridgeMonitoring .pdf | 2008-2009 Colville River Ice Bridge Monitoring - Summary Report | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2009 CRD Spring Breakup Final.pdf | 2009 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Hydrologic Assessment | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2009 Fiord West Final_REV1_Dec 17_09.pdf | 2009 Fiord West Hydrologic Assessment | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2009 Alpine Pipeline River Crossings Monitoring Report.pdf | 2009 Alpine Pipeline River Crossings Monitoring Report | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2008 2009 Alpine Lakes Water Resource Support.pdf | 2008-2009 Alpine Lakes Water Resource Support | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2009 Alpine Lake Monitoring Spring.pdf | 2009 Alpine Lake Monitoring Project Trip Report | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2009 Breakup Lake L9322 Project Note.pdf | 2009 Breakup Lake L9322 Project Note | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2009 Winter Lake L9322 Project Note.pdf | 2009 Winter Lake L9322 Monitoring and Analysis Project Note | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2009 GMT1 ASD_Final_REV1.pdf | GMT1 Alpine Satellite Project 2009 Spring Breakup Hydrologic Assessment | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2009 ASDP Water Quality (117008 MBJ RPT 001) FINAL.pdf | 2009 ASDP Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2009 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Colville River Fishery Monitoring, Fall 2009.pdf | Fall 2009 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2009 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
Survey of Lakes in Support of Nora Susie Well Site Remediation 2009.pdf | Survey of Lakes in Support of Nora-Susie Well Site Remediation - 2009 | 2009 | MJM Research | Fish |
Fish_Populations_in_Streams_Crossed_by_Proposed_GMT 1_Road_Eastern_NPR A.pdf | Fish Populations in Streams to be Crossed by a Proposed Road to the GMT-1 Well Pad in Eastern NPR-A: 2009 | 2009 | MJM Research | Fish |
2009_ASDP_Avian_Final_Report.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2009 | 2009 | ABR | Avian |
2009_CD3_nest_search.pdf | Eider Nest Searches at the CD-3 Pad, Ice Road, and Spill-Response Sites on the Colville River Delta, 2009 | 2009 | ABR | Avian |
2009_CD5_NPRA_Eider_Surveys_FINAL.pdf | Eider Surveys at CD-5, GMT-1 and Fiord West in the Northeast NPRA, Alaska, 2009 | 2009 | ABR | Avian |
2009 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program 2009 Monitoring Year Data Summary | 2009 | AECOM | Air |
2008 Alpine Pipeline Caribou_ABR letter report_final.pdf | Data report for Alpine Pipeline caribou surveys, 2008 | 2008 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2008_ASDP_Caribou_FINAL.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2008 | 2008 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Final 2008_CRD LakesRechargeSnowSurvey_113635 001.pdf | 2008 Colville River Delta Lakes Recharge Monitoring and Analysis | 2008 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Colville Crossing Monitoring 2001 2008.pdf | Colville Crossing Monitoring Reports 2001 - 2008 | 2008 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2008 CRD Breakup_114132_Final(Dec 18 2008).pdf | 2008 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup & Hydrologic Assessment | 2008 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2008 CRD Breakup Assessment Fiord West.pdf | Fiord West 2008 CRD Breakup Assessment | 2008 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Final 2008 Annual Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Report.pdf | Alpine Pipeline River Crossing 2008 Monitoring Report | 2008 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2008 ASDP Water Quality 114416 001_Final.pdf | 2008 ASDP Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2008 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2008 Colville River Fishery Monitoring_FINAL.pdf | Fall 2008 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2008 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
2008_CPAI_Exploration_Lakes.pdf | Survey of Lakes in Support of CPAI Exploration Prospects - 2008 | 2008 | MJM Research | Fish |
Broad Whitefish in Tapped Lakes.pdf | Feasibility Study for Estimating Broad Whitefish Production in Tapped Lakes of the Colville Delta, Final, April 2008 | 2008 | MJM Research | Fish |
2008_ASDP_Avian_Final.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2008 | 2008 | ABR | Avian |
2008 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 2008 through December 2008.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program 2008 Monitoring Year Data Summary | 2008 | AECOM | Air |
2007 Alpine Pipeline Caribou_ABR letter report.pdf | Data Report for Alpine Pipeline Caribou surveys, 2007 | 2007 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2007 ASDP Caribou Monitoring Study_ABR annual report.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2007 | 2007 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Colville Delta Lakes Recharge 2007.pdf | 2007 Colville River Delta Lakes Recharge Monitoring and Analysis | 2007 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2007_L9323 Winter Project Note FINAL.pdf | Winter Project Note: 2007 Colville River Delta Lake L9323 Monitoring | 2007 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2007 CRD Breakup and Assessment.pdf | 2007 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment | 2007 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2007 Alpine Pipeline HDD Monitoring Report.pdf | Alpine Pipeline HDD Crossing 2007 Monitoring Report | 2007 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Project Note L9323 Monitoring and Analysis July 2007.pdf | Project Note 2007 L9323 Monitoring and Analysis | 2007 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Tapped Lake and Nigliq Channel Water Quality 11 28 07.pdf | Tapped Lake and Nigliq Channel Water Quality Project Trip Report | 2007 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
CD3_CD4 2007 Water Quality Monitoring .pdf | CD3 & CD4 Alpine Lakes 2007 Water Quality Monitoring Report | 2007 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2006 2007 Alpine Lakes Final.pdf | 2006-2007 Alpine Drinking Water Lakes Monitoring and Recharge Study | 2007 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Colville River Fishery Monitoring Fall 2007 FINAL revised.pdf | Fall 2007 Fishery Monitoring on the Colville River | 2007 | ABR | Fish, Subsistence |
2007 exploration lakes report.pdf | Survey of Lakes in Support of CPAI Exploration Prospects - 2007 | 2007 | MJM Research | Fish |
Alpine_Lakes_Monitoring_Report_2007.pdf | Monitoring of Water-Source Lakes in the Alpine Development Project: 1999-2007 | 2007 | MJM Research | Fish |
2007 ASDP Avian Studies_5th Annual Report.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2007 | 2007 | ABR | Avian |
CD 3 Eider Montitoring_2007_FINAL.pdf | Spectacled Eider Monitoring at the CD-3 Development, 2007 | 2007 | ABR | Avian |
2007 2008 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 2007 through March 2008.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program 2007 Monitoring Year Data Summary April 2007 through March 2008 | 2007 | AECOM | Air |
2006 Alpine Pipeline Caribou_ABR letter report.pdf | Data Report for Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2006 | 2006 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2006 ASDP Caribou Monitoring Study_annual report.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2006 | 2006 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2006_CD5 2d Modeling Report.pdf | Colville River Delta Two-Dimensional Surface Water Model CD5 Update | 2006 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2005 2006_Colville River Ice Bridge Monitoring_107341 001.pdf | Winter 2005/2006 Colville River Ice Bridge Monitoring | 2006 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
FINAL_2006 CRD FCB Breakup and Assessment_108604.pdf | 2006 Colville River Delta and Fish Creek Basin Spring Breakup and Hydrological Assessment | 2006 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2006 Breakup Erratum.pdf | 2006 Colville River Delta and Fish Creek Basin Spring Breakup and Hydrological Assessment: Erratum | 2006 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2006 Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Report.pdf | Alpine Pipeline River Crossings 2006 Monitoring Report | 2006 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
COLREP_2006_burbot_broad.pdf | Harvest Rates for the 2006 Colville River Broad Whitefish and Burbot Fisheries | 2006 | MJM Research | Fish, Subsistence |
2006 Colville Fall Monitoring.pdf | Colville Fall Fishery Monitoring, 2006 | 2006 | LGL | Fish, Subsistence |
NPR A Lake Surveys 2006 Report Ver2.pdf | National Petroleum Reserve Alaska 2006 Lake Surveys | 2006 | OASIS | Fish |
Makua_report_2006.pdf | 2006 Survey of Lakes in Support of the Makua Exploration Project | 2006 | MJM Research | Fish |
Fish Monitoring UBLU 2004 2006.pdf | Monitoring Fish Populations in the Ublutuoch River Drainage in Eastern NPR-A: 2004-2006 | 2006 | MJM Research | Fish |
Alpine_resurvey_report_dec_7_2006.pdf | 2006 Survey of Lakes in Support of Alpine Development | 2006 | MJM Research | Fish |
Monitoring_of_Water_Source_Lakes_in_the_Alpine_Development_Project_1999_to_2006.pdf | Monitoring of Water-Source Lakes in the Alpine Development Project: 1999-2006 | 2006 | MJM Research | Fish |
ASDP Avian Studies, 2006_FINAL.pdf | Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2006 | 2006 | ABR | Avian |
CD 3 Eider Monitoring_FINAL RPT.pdf | Spectacled Eider Monitoring at the CD-3 Development, 2006 | 2006 | ABR | Avian |
2006 2007 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 2006 through March 2007.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program 2006 Monitoring Year Data Summary April 2006 through March 2007 | 2006 | AECOM | Air |
2002 Kuparuk_Colville_Caribou Muskoxen.pdf | Surveys of Caribou and Muskoxen in the Kuparuk-Colville Region, Alaska, 2002 | 2005 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2005 Alpine pipeline caribou.pdf | Data Report for Alpine Pipeline Caribou Surveys, 2004-2005 | 2005 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
ABR 2005 ASDP Caribou Monitoring Report_compressed.pdf | Caribou Monitoring Study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2005 | 2005 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
1992 2005 Annual Peak Discharge Review_Colville_Monument_1_FINAL.pdf | 1992-2005 Annual Peak Discharge Colville River Monument 1 Estimate, Calculation, and Method Review | 2005 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2005 Colville River Delta and Fish Creek Spring Breakup Report.pdf | 2005 Colville River Delta and Fish Creek Basin Spring Breakup and Hydrological Assessment | 2005 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2005 Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Report.pdf | Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Monitoring 2005 | 2005 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
colville_fishery_2005.pdf | Harvest Rates for the 2005 Colville River Fall Fishery | 2005 | MJM Research | Fish, Subsistence |
2005 Aviullaaviq lakes report.pdf | Survey of Lakes in Association with the Aviullaaviq Prospect - 2005 | 2005 | MJM Research | Fish |
Hornet_lakes_report_2005.pdf | Survey of Lakes in Association with the Hornet Prospect - 2005 | 2005 | MJM Research | Fish |
Surveys of Fish Habitats in the Teshekpuk Lake Region, 2003 2005.pdf | Surveys of Fish Habitats in the Teshekpuk Lake Region, 2003-2005 | 2005 | MJM Research | Fish |
Ublutuoch River Monitoring.pdf | MONITORING FISH POPULATIONS IN THE UBLUTUOCH RIVER DRAINAGE IN EASTERN NPR-A: 2004-2005 | 2005 | MJM Research | Fish |
Alpine_NPRA_Resurvey_report_05.pdf | 2005 Survey of Lakes in Support of Alpine Development and Eastern NPRA Expansion | 2005 | MJM Research | Fish |
2005 Alpine Lakes.pdf | MONITORING OF WATER-SOURCE LAKES IN THE ALPINE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: 1999-2005 | 2005 | MJM Research | Fish |
2005 2006 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 2005 through March 2006.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program 2005 Monitoring Year Data Summary April 2005 through March 2006 | 2005 | Secor International Inc. | Air |
2004 ASDP Wildlife Studies Summary.pdf | Summary of Wildlife Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2004 | 2004 | ABR | Wildlife General |
2004 ASDP Wildlife Studies.pdf | Wildlife studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2004 | 2004 | ABR | Wildlife General |
NPRA Geomorphology_2004_ANNUAL RPT.pdf | NPRA Geomorphology 2004 ANNUAL RPT | 2004 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
2004 Nigliq channel bridge 2d_preliminary findings report_final 102579 002 .pdf | Preliminary Findings Colville River Delta Two-Dimensional Surface Water Model Nigliq Channel Bridge Project | 2004 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2004 Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Monitoring.pdf | Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Monitoring 2004 | 2004 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2004 Improved Alpine Culvert Design vs Kuparuk.pdf | Improved Alpine Culvert Design; Compared to Kuparuk & Prudhoe Bay Culvert Design | 2004 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2004 CD 2 gravel road erosion.pdf | CD-2 Gravel Road Erosion | 2004 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2004 CD 4 Hydrology Overview.pdf | CD-4 Hydrology Overview | 2004 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2004_Alpine Satellites breakup.pdf | Alpine Satellites Development Plan 2004 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment | 2004 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2004 NPRA lake monitoring program.pdf | NPR-A 2004 Lake Monitoring Program | 2004 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2004 Colville Fishery.pdf | Harvest Estimate and Associated Information for the 2004 Colville River Fall Fishery | 2004 | MJM Research | Fish, Subsistence |
2004 Antigua Lakes.pdf | SURVEY OF LAKES IN ASSOCIATION WITH ANTIGUA PROSPECTS: 2004 | 2004 | MJM Research | Fish |
2004 Kokoda Lakes.pdf | SURVEY OF LAKES IN ASSOCIATION WITH KOKODA REGION PROSPECTS: 2004 | 2004 | MJM Research | Fish |
2004 NPRA Lakes Ice.pdf | SURVEY OF LAKES IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE 2005 NPRA ICE ROAD, 2004 Report | 2004 | MJM Research | Fish |
2004 Iapetus Lakes.pdf | SURVEY OF LAKES IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE IAPETUS EXPLORATION PROSPECT: 2003-2004 | 2004 | MJM Research | Fish |
2004 NPRA Baseline Lakes Rpt.pdf | BASELINE SURVEYS OF FISH HABITATS IN EASTERN NPR-A, 2004 | 2004 | MJM Research | Fish |
2004 Alpine Lakes.pdf | MONITORING OF WATER-SOURCE LAKES IN THE ALPINE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: 1999-2004 | 2004 | MJM Research | Fish |
2004_Alpine Eider Survey.pdf | SPECTACLED EIDER SURVEY ALONG THE ALPINE PIPELINE, ALASKA, JUNE 2004 | 2004 | ABR | Avian |
2004 2005 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 2004 through March 2005.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program 6th Monitoring Year Data Summary April 2004 through March 2005 | 2004 | Secor International Inc. | Air |
ASDP Wildlife 2003.pdf | Wildlife studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2003 | 2003 | ABR | Wildlife General |
2003 NPRA Ecological Land Survey.pdf | 2003 NPRA Ecological Land Survey | 2003 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
2003 NPRA_Geomorph.pdf | Geomorphology of the Northeast Planning Area, National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska 2003 | 2003 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
2003 NPR A Hydrographic Survey.pdf | NPR-A and Harrison Bay Hydrographic Survey 2003 | 2003 | Polaris Applied Sciences | Hydrology |
2003 Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Monitoring Report_Final 101376.pdf | 2003 Alpine Pipeline River Crossing Monitoring 2003 | 2003 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2003 April 28th Lake 9313 Report.pdf | 2003 April 28th Alpine Lake Monitoring Lake 9313 Report | 2003 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2003 May 9 Lake 9313 Report.pdf | 2003 May 9th Alpine Lake Monitoring Lake 9313 Report | 2003 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2003 Alpine Breakup and Hydrology.pdf | Alpine Facilities 2003 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment | 2003 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2003 Alpine Satellite Development Plan Spring Break Up and Hydrology.pdf | Alpine Satellites Development Plan 2003 Spring Breakup And Hydrologic Assessment | 2003 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2003_NPRA_lakes_Monitoring_Report_Final.pdf | ASDP Water Resources-2003 NPRA Lake Monitoring | 2003 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2003 Colville River Fishery.pdf | Harvest Estimate and Associated Information for the 2003 Colville River Fall Fishery | 2003 | MJM Research | Fish, Subsistence |
KOKODA EXPL PROSPECT 2002 03.pdf | Fish Survey of Lakes Associated With the Kokoda Exploration Prospect: 2002-2003 | 2003 | MJM Research | Fish |
BASELINE SURVEYS FISH HABITATS EASTERN NPR A 2001 03.pdf | Baseline Surveys of Fish Habitats in Eastern NPR-A, 2001-2003 | 2003 | MJM Research | Fish |
2003 NPRA Baseline Lakes Rpt.pdf | BASELINE SURVEYS OF FISH HABITATS IN EASTERN NPR-A, 2003 | 2003 | MJM Research | Fish |
2003 alpine_lakes MJM.pdf | Monitoring of Water-Source Lakes in the Alpine Development Project: 199-2003 | 2003 | MJM Research | Fish |
2003 2004 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 2003 through March 2004.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program Annual Data Report April 2003 through March 2004 | 2003 | Secor International Inc. | Air |
2002 Wildlife Studies in the CD North Area.pdf | Wildlife Studies in the CD North Study Area, 2002 | 2002 | ABR | Wildlife General |
Wildlife_Studies_In_The_CD_South_2002.pdf | Wildlife Studies in the CD South Study Area, 2002 | 2002 | ABR | Wildlife General |
WILDLIFE STUDIES NPRA FINAL REPORT 2002.pdf | Wildlife Studies in the Northeast Planning Area of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, 2002 | 2002 | ABR | Wildlife General |
2002 Kuparuk_Colville_Caribou_Muskox.pdf | Surveys of Caribou and Muskoxen in the Kuparuk-Colville Region, Alaska, 2002 | 2002 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
ECOLOGICAL LAND SURVEY N.E. PLANNING NPRA 2002.pdf | Ecological Land Survey in the Northeast Planning Area of NPRA 2002 | 2002 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
GEOMORPHOLOGY NORTHEAST PLANNING NPRA 2002.pdf | Geomorphology of the the Northeast Planning Area NPRA 2002 | 2002 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
2002 Hydrology Fish Judy Ublut.pdf | 2002 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Assessment Fish Creek, Judy Creek, and the Ublutuoch River, North Slope Alaska | 2002 | URS | Hydrology |
2002 2D Colville Delta model.pdf | Colville River Delta 2D Surface Water Model | 2002 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2002_Flood_Frequency_Analysis_Colville_River.pdf | 2002 Colville River Flood Frequency Analysis | 2002 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2002 CD North Bank Migration.pdf | CD-North Satellite Development Bank Migration Analysis Report | 2002 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2002 Alpine Lake Recharge.pdf | Alpine Facilities and Vicinity 2002 Lake Monitoring and Recharge Study | 2002 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2002 Alpine Spring Breakup.pdf | Alpine Facilities 2002 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment | 2002 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2002 CD North Spring Breakup.pdf | CD-North Development Project 2002 Spring Breakup and Hydrology Assessment | 2002 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2002 CD South Spring Breakup.pdf | CD-South Development Project 2002 Spring Breakup and Hydrology Assessment | 2002 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2002 NPR A Lake.pdf | NPR-A 2002 Lake Monitoring and Recharge Study | 2002 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2002 Colville Fishery.pdf | Harvest Estimate and Associated Information for the 2002 Colville River Fall Fishery | 2002 | MJM Research | Fish, Subsistence |
HELMERICKS WINTER FISHERY 2002.pdf | Colville River Helmericks Winter Fishery 2002 | 2002 | Helmericks | Fish, Subsistence |
2002 CD North Lakes.pdf | EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL WATER SOURCE LAKES IN CD-NORTH - 2002 | 2002 | MJM Research | Fish |
2002 puviaq_fish.pdf | FISH SURVEY OF LAKES IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE PUVIAQ EXPLORATION PROSPECT: 2001-2002 | 2002 | MJM Research | Fish |
2002 Placer Fish Report.pdf | SURVEY OF LAKES IN THE PLACER AND OBERON PROSPECTS: 2002 | 2002 | MJM Research | Fish |
2002 NPRA Baseline Lakes Rpt.pdf | BASELINE SURVEYS OF FISH HABITATS IN EASTERN NPR-A: 2001-2002 | 2002 | MJM Research | Fish |
2002 NPRA upr_fish_ck_report_2002.pdf | FISH UTILIZATION OF LAKES IN THE UPPER FISH CREEK REGION OF EASTERN NPR-A: 2002 | 2002 | MJM Research | Fish |
2002 alpine_lakes MJM.pdf | MONITORING OF WATER-SOURCE LAKES IN THE ALPINE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: 1999-2002 | 2002 | MJM Research | Fish |
Water Withdrawal and Ninespine Stickleback_11_13_02.pdf | Water Withdrawal Effects on Ninespine Stickleback and Alaska Blackfish | 2002 | MJM Research | Fish |
2002 2003 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 2002 through March 2003.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program Annual Data Report April 2002 through March 2003 | 2002 | Secor International Inc. | Air |
2001 Kuparuk_Colville_Caribou_Muskox.pdf | Surveys of Caribou and Muskoxen in the Kuparuk-Colville Region, Alaska, 2001 | 2001 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
2001 CDN Wildlife Study.pdf | Wildlife Studies in the CD North Study Area, 2001 | 2001 | ABR | Wildlife General |
2001 NPRA Wildlife Studies.pdf | Wildlife Studies in the Northeast Planning Area of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, 2001 | 2001 | ABR | Wildlife General |
CD South Wildlife Studies.pdf | Wildlife Studies in the CD South Study Area, 2001 | 2001 | ABR | Wildlife General |
2001 NPRA_Geomorph.pdf | Geomorphology of the Northeast Planning Area of the NPRA 2001 | 2001 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
2001 NPRA Lake Monitoring URS.pdf | 2001 Lake Monitoring Study, NPR-A | 2001 | URS | Hydrology |
100yr_Floodplain_Fish_Judy_Creek.pdf | Preliminary Assessment of the 100-Year Floodplain Width on Fish and Judy Creeks | 2001 | URS | Hydrology |
2001 NPRA Hydrologic Assessment Rpt.pdf | 2001 Hydrologic Assessment Fish Creek, Judy Creek and the Ublutuoch River, North Slope Alaska 2001 | 2001 | URS | Hydrology |
2001 NPRA Water Surface Profile Report.pdf | 2001 Water Surface Profiles for Selected Flood Peak Discharges on Fish Creek, Judy Creek, and the Ublutuoch River North Slope, Alaska | 2001 | URS | Hydrology |
2001 Colville River 2 and 10 year flood models.pdf | Colville River Delta 2- and 10-Year Flood Models | 2001 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2001 alpine breakup.pdf | Alpine Facilities 2001 Spring Breakup And Hydrologic Assessment | 2001 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2001 breakup CD North.pdf | CD-North Development Project 2001 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment | 2001 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2001 breakup CD South.pdf | CD-South Development Project 2001 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment | 2001 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
COLVILLE RIVER HELMERICKS WINTER FISHERY 2001.pdf | Colville River Helmericks Winter Fishery 2001 | 2001 | Helmericks | Fish, Subsistence |
Fish Utilization of Lakes in Eastern NPRA.pdf | FISH UTILIZATION OF LAKES IN EASTERN NPR-A: 1999-2001 | 2001 | MJM Research | Fish |
2001 NPRA Baseline Lakes Rpt.pdf | BASELINE SURVEYS OF FISH HABITATS IN EASTERN NPR-A: 2001 | 2001 | MJM Research | Fish |
2001 Fish in Alpine Lakes.pdf | MONITORING OF WATER-SOURCE LAKES IN THE ALPINE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: 1999-2001 | 2001 | MJM Research | Fish |
2001 Alpine Avian Study.pdf | Alpine Avian Monitoring Program, 2001 | 2001 | ABR | Avian |
AVIAN SURVEYS THREE EXPLORATION AREAS COLVILLE RIVER DELTA.pdf | Avian surveys in three exploration areas in the Colville River Delta region, Alaska, 2001 | 2001 | ABR | Avian |
2001 2002 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 2001 through March 2002.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program Annual Data Report April 2001 through March 2002 | 2001 | Secor International Inc. | Air |
2000 CD North Wildlife.pdf | Wildlife Studies in the CD North Study Area, 2000 | 2000 | ABR | Wildlife General |
2000 CD South Wildlife.pdf | Wildlife Studies in the CD South Study Area, 2000 | 2000 | ABR | Wildlife General |
RAI_Lake_Report_2000.pdf | Year 2000 Lake Studies In The Phillips Exploration Area, National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska | 2000 | Reanier and Associates | Hydrology |
2000 Breakup Alpine facilities.pdf | Alpine Facilities Spring 2000 Breakup Monitoring Alpine Development Project | 2000 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2000 CD North Breakup.pdf | 2000 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment for CD-North Development Project | 2000 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2000 CD South Breakup.pdf | 2000 Spring and Hydrologic Assessment for CD-South Development Project | 2000 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
2000 Colville Fishery.pdf | Harvest Estimate and Associated Information for the 2000 Colville River Fall Fishery | 2000 | MJM Research | Fish, Subsistence |
Fish Utilization of Lakes in Eastern NPRA 1999 2000.pdf | FISH UTILIZATION OF LAKES IN EASTERN NPR-A: 1999-2000 | 2000 | MJM Research | Fish |
Monitoring of Water Source Lakes in the Alpine Development Project 2000.pdf | Monitoring of Water Source Lakes in the Alpine Development Project 2000 | 2000 | MJM Research | Fish |
2000 NORTH SLOPE FISH SURVEY NPR A.pdf | 2000 North Slope Fish Survey | 2000 | MJM Research | Fish |
Alpine Avian 2000.pdf | Alpine Avian Monitoring Program, 2000 | 2000 | ABR | Avian |
AVIAN SURVEYS WEST REGION 2000.PDF | Avian Surveys Of the Alpine West Region, 2000 | 2000 | ABR | Avian |
2000 2001 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 2000 through March 2001.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program Annual Data Report April 2000 through March 2001 | 2000 | Secor International Inc. | Air |
1999_Ublutuoch_Depth_Measurements.pdf | Depth Measurements In The Lower Ublutuoch River, July 30-31, 1999 | 1999 | MJM Research | Hydrology |
1999 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment.pdf | 1999 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment; Colville River Delta North Slope, Alaska | 1999 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Alpine Development Water Supply 1999 Monitoring Assessment.pdf | Alpine Development Water Supply 1999 Monitoring and Assessment | 1999 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Alpine Development Project Fish Survey 1999.pdf | Alpine Development Project Fish Survey - 1999 | 1999 | MJM Research | Fish |
Alpine Avian 1999.pdf | Alpine Avian Monitoring Program, 1999 | 1999 | ABR | Avian |
1999 2000 Nuiqsut Monitoring Program Annual Report_April 1999 through March 2000.pdf | Nuiqsut Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program Annual Data Report April 1999 through March 2000 | 1999 | Secor International Inc. | Air |
Colville Wildlife 1998.pdf | Wildlife Studies on the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1998 | 1998 | ABR | Wildlife General |
Alpine Development Area Lakes Contour Maps and Volume Estimates.pdf | Alpine Development Area Lakes Contour Maps and Volume Estimates, 1998 | 1998 | MJM Research | Hydrology |
1998 COLVILLE RIVER 2D SURFACE WATER MODEL PROJECT UPDATE_1998.PDF | Colville River Delta Two-Dimensional Surface Water Model Project Update | 1998 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
1998 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment.pdf | 1998 Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment; Colville River Delta North Slope, Alaska | 1998 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Lakes Sampled for Fish in and Near the Colville River Delta 1979 to 1998.pdf | Lakes Sampled for Fish in and Near the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1979-1998 | 1998 | MJM Research | Fish |
FISH SURVEY 1998.pdf | Alpine Development Project Fish Survey-1998 | 1998 | MJM Research | Fish |
Alpine Avian 1998.pdf | Alpine Avian Monitoring Program, 1998 | 1998 | ABR | Avian |
Colville Wildlife 1997.pdf | Wildlife Studies on the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1997 | 1997 | ABR | Wildlife General |
1997 Colville Fishery Nuiq.pdf | The 1997 Fall Gillnet Fishery in Nuiqsut, Alaska | 1997 | MJM Research | Fish |
Colville River Delta Wildlife Studies 1996.pdf | Wildlife Studies on the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1996 | 1996 | ABR | Wildlife General |
Colville Ecological Land Survey 1996.pdf | An Ecological Land Survey for the Colville River Delta, Alaska 1996 | 1996 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
1996 Flood Frequency Analysis for the Colville River.pdf | Flood-Frequency Analysis For The Colville River North Slope, Alaska | 1996 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
COLVILLE DELTA SPRING BREAKUP HYDROLOGY ASSESSMENT 1996.pdf | 1996 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment North Slope, Alaska | 1996 | Michael Baker | Hydrology |
Colville River Delta Geomorphology and Hydrology 1996.pdf | Geomorphology and Hydrology of the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1996 | 1996 | ABR | Hydrology |
COLVILLE DELTA FISH HABITAT STUDY 1995 1996.pdf | Colville Delta Fish Habitat Study, 1995-1996 | 1996 | MJM Research | Fish |
Lakes Sampled for Fish in and Near the Colville River Delta June 1996.pdf | Lakes Sampled for Fish in and Near the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1996 | 1996 | MJM Research | Fish |
Colville Wildlife 1995.pdf | Wildlife Studies on the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1995 | 1995 | ABR | Wildlife General |
Colville River Delta Geomorphology and Hydrology 1995.pdf | Geomorphology and Hydrology of the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1995 | 1995 | ABR | Hydrology |
1995 Colville Delta Fish Habitat Study.pdf | 1995 Colville Delta Fish Habitat Study | 1995 | MJM Research | Fish |
COLVILLE DELTA LAKES 1995 SAMPLING.pdf | Colville Delta Lakes: Results of 1995 Sampling | 1995 | MJM Research | Fish |
Nechelic Channel Investigations 1994.pdf | Nechelic Channel Investigations 1994 | 1994 | H. Jesse Walker | Hydrology |
Colville River Delta Geomorphology and Hydrology 1994.pdf | Geomorphology and Hydrology of the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1994 | 1994 | ABR | Hydrology |
Colville Eiders 1994.pdf | Abundance and Distribution of Eiders on the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1994 | 1994 | ABR | Avian |
Colville River Delta Wildlife Studies 1993.pdf | Wildlife Studies on the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1993 | 1993 | ABR | Wildlife General |
Colville River Delta Atlas of Integrated Terrain Units 1993.pdf | Atlas of Integrated Terrain Units for the Colville River Delta, Norther Alaska 1993 | 1993 | ABR | Land Mapping and Classification |
Colville River Delta Geomorphology and Hydrology 1993.pdf | Geomorphology and Hydrology of the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1993 | 1993 | ABR | Hydrology |
Colville Delta Winter Fish Habitat Study 1991 to 1993.pdf | Colville Delta Winter Fish Habitat Study, 1991-1993 | 1993 | MJM Research | Fish |
Tundra Swan and Brant Surveys Colville River to Sagavanirktok River 1993.pdf | Tundra Swan and Brant Surveys on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Colville River to Sagavanirktok River, Alaska, 1993 | 1993 | ABR | Avian |
1992 Colville Wildlife.pdf | Wildlife Studies on the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1992 | 1992 | ABR | Wildlife General |
Colville River Delta Geomorphology and Hydrology 1992.pdf | Geomorphology and Hydrology of the Colville River Delta, Alaska, 1992 | 1992 | ABR | Hydrology |
Colville Delta Winter Fish Habitat Study 1991 1992.pdf | Colville Delta Winter Fish Habitat Study, 1991-1992 | 1992 | MJM Research | Fish |
TUNDRA SWAN AND BRANT SURVEYS COLVILLE RIVER STAINES RIVER 1992.pdf | Tundra Swan and Brant Surveys on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Colville River to Staines River, 1992 | 1992 | ABR | Avian |
Tundra Swan and Brant Surveys Colville to Staines River 1991.pdf | Tundra Swan and Brant Surveys on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Colville River to Staines River, 1991 | 1991 | ABR | Avian |
Tundra Swan and Brant Surveys Colville to Staines River 1990.pdf | Tundra Swan and Brant Surveys on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Colville River to Staines River, 1990 | 1990 | ABR | Avian |
TUNDRA SWAN AND BRANT COLVILLE RIVER STAINES RIVER 1989.pdf | Tundra Swan and Brant Surveys on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Colville River to Staines River, 1989 | 1989 | ABR | Avian |
Caribou Distribution on the Calving Grounds of the Central Arctic Herd 1987.pdf | Caribou Distribution on the Calving Grounds of the Central Arctic Herd 1987 | 1987 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Colville_River_Fish_Study_1985_1987_with_Appendix.pdf | Colville River Fish Study: Assessment of the Colville River Fall Fishery, 1985-1987 | 1987 | Environmental Science and Engineering | Fish |
DISTRIBUTION NUMBERS CARIBOU CENTRAL ARCTIC REGION 1986.pdf | The Distribution and Numbers of Caribou in the Central Arctic Region of Alaska 1985-1986 | 1986 | Renewable Resources Consulting Services Ltd. | Mammals - Caribou |
1986 Colville Fishery.pdf | Colville River Fish Study 1986 Annual Report | 1986 | Entrix | Fish |
COLVILLE RIVER FISH STUDY 1985 ANNUAL REPORT.pdf | Colville River Fish Study 1985 Annual Report | 1985 | Entrix | Fish |
Central Arctic Caribou Herd Calving Grounds 1984.pdf | The Calving Ground of the Central Arctic Caribou Herd, 1984 | 1984 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Central Arctic Caribou Herd Satellite Telemetry 1984.pdf | An Evaluation of Satellite Telemetry for Monitoring Movements of Caribou in the Central Arctic Herd, Alaska, 1984 | 1984 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Central Arctic Caribou Herd Distribution and Movements 1983.pdf | Distribution and Movements of the Central Arctic Caribou Herd, Summer 1983 | 1983 | ABR | Mammals - Caribou |
Calving_Post_Calving_and_Aggregation_of_the_Central_Arctic_Caribou_Herd_Between_the_Kuparuk_and_Colville_Rivers_1980_to_1982.pdf | Calving, Post-Calving, and Aggregation of the Central Arctic Caribou Herd Between the Kuparuk and Colville Rivers 1980, 1981, and 1982 | 1982 | ARCO | Mammals - Caribou |
Above: Satellite imagery of the town of Nuiqsut taken in July of 2017.
Web Map
The web map below allows a user to view infrastructure and landownership information for the North Slope region. Initial display of map may be delayed as data loads. Native allotments and camps/cabins that represent local high use areas are highlighted in purple. Click on the double arrow button in the top, left corner of the map to view the legend and turn layers on/off. Zoom in (+) for more detail. Basemaps are selectable using the button on upper left (4 squares) and include: aerial imagery and USGS Topos. To view a basemap turn the visible layers off. For additional help: QuickHelp. Additional web maps available at: Catalog Webmaps.
The data displayed in this web map application are intended for general information purposes only. The North Slope Science Initiative and data providers assume no responsibility for errors or omissions and no warranty is made as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of these data. The user is responsible for appropriate use or analysis and is referred to Data Sources for further information.